TD-NMR Applications


NMR Hardware of Spin Track type supports a great variety of standard NMR routines like AOCS Cd 16b-93, AOCS Cd 16-81, ISO 8292, ISO 10565, ASTM D 7171-05, IUPAC2.150 and creative scientific researches. Spin Track has been successfully approved in food, oil, fuel and polymer industries for routine analysis, introduced in R&D branch for scientific investigations. If your analytical task is not described below please submit it in Feedback.

Nuclear magnetic resonance is widely used in food industry, widespreaded methods are determination of Solid Fat Content (SFC) in fats and oils and determination of water and oil in seeds, total fat content.
Nuclear magnetic resonance is effective in the oil refinery industry, allowing the analysis of raw materials at the extraction stage, at the stage of processing, as well as the final product (fuel, light, middle and heavy distillates).
Nuclear magnetic resonance very informative in polymers and elastomers analysis. NMR gives a great variety of possibilities to investigate elasticity, cross-link density, ageing degree and many other parameters.
Spin Finish, Finish on Fibers or Oil Pick Up (OPU) measurements by NMR on artificial fibers are essential in textile industry.
NMR is a modern and popular method for studying physical and chemical properties of a wide range of samples which have different nature: from biological tissues to artificial polymers.
Surface area, particles dimensions, colloid concentration, droplet size are very easily determined by NMR in industrial and scientific applications.