TD-NMR Relaxometer mSpin

mSpin brochure

TD-NMR Relaxometer mSpin is the simplified version of TD-NMR analyzer Spin Track. mSpin is equipped with electronic console and portable magnet system without advanced options like sample temperature control and pulse gradient system. It is designed especially for R&D and studying needs of Universities and Colleges and provides relaxation times measurements as well as multicomponent decays measurements and pulse sequences construction. Basic pulse sequencies like FID (Free Induction Decay), Hahn Echo, Hahn Echo Decay, CPMG, Solid Echo, MSE (Magic Sandwich Echo), Double Quantum Relaxation, "saturation-recovery" and "inversion-recovery" with illustrated examples and fitting options are included into the standard software package. mSpin is the ideal instrument to academical classrooms for effective studying of NMR basics and for lecture demonstrations. Observable nuclei: 1H (basic configuration); 2H, 19F, 23Na, 31P, 27Al and 29Si (optional configurations).

mSpin NMR-relaxometer specifications
Relaxometer mainboard
Frequency range: 1 kHz - 100 MHz
Sequence time resolution: 50 ns
Frequency resolution: 1 Hz
Pulse sequence: Fully programmable
ADC bits: 14 or 16
Pulse sequence: Fully programmable cycles, events, durations, phase shifts
PC connection: High Speed USB 2.0
Gain: 30 dB
Input / Output impedance: 50 Ohm
Noise figure: <1.5 dB
Ringing time: < 8 us
Power amplifier
Input / Output impedance: 50 Ohm
Maximal output power: 200 W
Power Requirements
100..240 VAC, 50..60 Hz
Relax Software
Supported OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
Data compatibility: ASCII, Microsoft Excel®
297x210x115 mm
5 kg
Magnet specifications:
Available sensor tube diameters: 3-10 mm
1H Frequency: 20 MHz
Dimensions: 165 х 150 х 170 mm
Weight: 10 kg